Årsmøde 2024

De forskellige indlæg vil blive uploadet efterhånden, som SIG formændene får dem i hus. 

Programmet for konferencen kan ses her: Program 2024

K1 - 40 Years of Bentley Systems

A1 - Koordinatsystemer - best practise

B1 - Kom godt igang Infrastructure Cloud 

C1 - Whats new in ProjectWise

D1 - Synchro Control og Field

E1 - Civil keynote

W1 - Creating Parametric Solids and Parametric Cell Libraries in MicroStation

Z1 - Editing and Managing Geometry

A2 - Volumenberegninger af regnvandsbassiner i OpenRoads

B2 - Processing, uploading & managing reality data in infrastructure cloud

C2 - Managed Workspace Opsætning - Tips og Tricks - Aflyst

D2 -Basic Road Modelling

E2 - Introduction to OpenSite Designer

A3 - Tips og tricks OpenRoads

B3 -Programmering af værktøjer til brug i MicroStation

C3 - Infrastructure Cloud User Management

D3 - DDA og LER 2.0

E3 - Creating Proposed Terrain Models

W3 - Introduction to OpenSite Designer

Z3 - Defining Template End Conditions

A4 - Kom godt i gang med iTwin/Infrastructure Cloud

B4 - Item types for dumrianer

C4 - Manage your Road project in iTwin Capture Manage & Extract

D4 - Kvalitetssikring af 3D overflader i OpenRoads

E4 -Getting the Model Right: Above and Beyond Corridor Modeling 

A5 - ProjectWise Explorer Tips & Tricks

B5 - Vejdirektoratets Geodata

C5 - ProjectWise Cloud now and future?

D5 - iTwin Experience

E5 - Meshin' Around with OpenRoads Designer

W5 - AccuDraw Basics

Z5 - Template Triggers and Switches

A6 - Hvad kan man bruge en punktsky til - set fra en bruger + specialisten

B6 - Reality API to iTwin/Infrastructure cloud

C6 - Item types praksis i OpenRoads Designer

D6 - Security in ProjectWise

E6 - Transition from InRail  to OpenRail workflows

A7 - The VBA Renaissance: AI-Enhanced CAD Automation with Microstation and Excel

B7 - Faglig Walk and Talk

C7 - Visualisering af Klode Mølle-Løvel motorvej

D7 - ProjectWise Workflows /ISO 19650

E7 - Best Practices for Civil Cells

W7 - Volumenberegninger af regnvandsbassiner i OpenRoads

Z7 - Intersection Design Part 1 - Horizontal and Vertical Geometry

A8 - Microstation 2024 Nyt

B8 - Drainage & Utilities - Opdatering af biblioteker og eksport til Vejvand og Dandas

C8 - Item Types - status fra arbejdsgruppen

D8 -Hvordan har din ProjectWise DataSource det?

E8 - Templates Deconstructed

A9 - MicroStation Tips & Tricks

B9 - Fagmodeller i Bentley skyen

C9- Generating 3D Models with iTwin Capture(on-premises)

D9 - Low Voltage Assets – Schweizerkniven i OpenRail

E9 -Managing IFC classifications, import/export with OpenRoads

W9 - Powershell integration til ProjectWise

Z9 - Navigating Drainage and Utilities





K3 - Unlocking Project Delivery Excellence: Enhancing Collaboration and Efficiency 

B12 -  What's New in iTwin Capture Import and Upload tool & Orbit Publisher

C12 - Kan afmærkning være intelligent? Det mener Vejdirektoratet

E12 - Grading - It's not just Dirt

W12 - Create and configure an Infrastructure Cloud Project

Z12 - Interactive Presentation “Drainage Tips and Tricks / Q & A

B13 - "Slangen i Paradis - De nye muligheder med Python i MicroStation

C13 - Annotating Title Blocks and the Sheet Index

E13 - Faglig Walk and Talk

W13 - Bentley Infrastructure Cloud - Configure Forms

B14 - OpenRoads - Item Type Fundamentals – Part 1

C14 - Baggrundskort i MicroStation

E14 - OpenRoads Designer to SYNCHRO Construction

W14 - Bentley Infrastructure Cloud - Create and manage an Infrastructure Cloud Project

Z14 - Road Regression and Re-Design 

B15 - OpenRoads - Item Type Fundamentals – Part 2

C15 - Hverdagsmagi med Civil Cells og Civil Labeler

E15 - Improved Geometry and Regression workflows with OpenRail Designer 2024 

W15 - Bentley Infrastructure Cloud - Configure Insights and other dashboards