Bentley nedsætter arbejdsgruppe til udarbejdelse af en dansk opsætning af gINT

Efter gINT seminaret i februar 2011 har Bentley nedsat en arbejdsgruppe som skal lave en dansk opsætning baseret på vores drøftelser på mødet, samt generelle standarder som anvendes i dag. Nedenstående nyhed er netop modtaget fra Bentley:

We have put together a team of four people to create the localization, headed up by Strah Antoljak (gINT).

The team comprises;

  • Pat Cummings - Log design
  • Jens Galsgaard - GEO (log design and translation)
  • Kirk Johnson - Graphics
  • Dave Kyllonen - import/export routines
  • Ian Joyce - Look up tables

In essence we are going to deliver the following

-="" la="">1. Seven logs as provided by Ramboll that meet the local requirements in Denmark (see attached)

  • Danish and English
  • Danish standard graphics

2. Danish template with Danish look up tables
3. Import and Export routine to read and write the GEOFORM XML interchangeable format from GEOGIS

We do not have a fixed time scale but I would like to think that we would have everything finished before the end of May.

Before that we will give you an update and I think a live meeting would be wise as well.

Regards Gary Logan, Bentley

Attached exampel log files:

Logfil - Kornkurve

Logfil - Grain Size Distribution

Logfil - Boring

Logfil - Boring

Logfil - CPT profile

Logfil - Boreprofile

Logfil - Boreprofile