Årsmøde 2011 og Nordic Civil

Mandag d. 14. november
Keynote - Jan Erik Schnider-Tilli, Banedanmark
A1 - 3DcityGIS/CityGML in Bentley Map and Bentley Navigator for iPad - Keith Raymond, Bentley 
A2 - Beregning og visualisering af sol indstråling på 3D bymodel - Jan Thinglev Olsen, Hvenegaard & Jens Bo Landinspektører A/S og Peter Byrn, Bentley
P1 - Bentley Plant Directions - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
P2 - Open Plant update - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
P3 - AutoPLANT Interoperability - Chris Binns, Bentley
P4 - AutoPLANT hos GEA Process Engineering - Henrik Piihl, GEA Process Engineering
E1 og E2 Bentley Civil update and Direction og New Tools (ingen præsentation til rådighed) - Mike Wilson and Jay Vose, Bentley
E4 - An Overview of Templates and End Conditions - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
F3 - Power Rail Track and Power Rail Overhead Line - Rob Nice and Håkan Norling, Bentley
F4 - Nyt spor København - Ringsted - Kristian S. Jacobsen og Thyge Pilgaard, Grontmij
X01 - Introduction to Roadway Designer - Rob Nice, Bentley
X03 - Using the New Geometry Tools in Production - Jay Vose, Bentley
W1 og W3 - Hands-on workshop MicroStation SELECTseries 3 - Tine Lai Andersen, Bentley
Tirsdag d. 15. november
A6 - Lidar point clouds and Bentley Map - Mika Salolahti, TerraSolid
A7 - WFS and the new GIS interoperability in Bentley Map SelectSeries 3 - Keith Raymond, Bentley
A8 - Data Acquisition Overview for Bentley Map & InRoads - Keith Raymond and Ian Rosam, Bentley
C5 - Konfigurationsfiler/Dgnlib, hvor ligger de og hvor mange? - Lars Moth Poulsen og Tine Lai Andersen, Bentley
D5 - Live Demo Mobility and Augmented Reality - Keith Raymond, Bentley
D6 - Saved Views – hvad kan de (også) bruges til - Tine Lai Andersen, Bentley
D8 - Tips og Tricks i MicroStation - Tine Lai Andersen, Bentley
P5 - AutoPLANT Product Update - Chris Binns, Bentley
P6 - ProjectWise hos NNE Pharmaplan - Bo Møller og Martin Poulsen, NNE Pharmaplan
P7 - AssetWise for all - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
P8 - Raceway Cable Management product update - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
E7 - Terrain Modelling with Microstation and more - Ian Rosam, Bentley
E8 - Dynamic Modeling with InRoads - Kevin Jackson, Bentley
E9 - Én el. flere Roadways med én template - Johannes Stevnsbak Andersen, Rambøll
F8 og F9 Subsurface Utility Engenineering - the future of S&S (ingen præsentation til rådighed) - Mike Wilson and Jay Vose, Bentley
E10 - When Typical is Not Typical -  Kevin Jackson, Bentley
X05 - Creating Advanced Components and Templates - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
X09 - Building Surfaces Using InRoads - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
Onsdag d. 16. november
E9 - Customizing Your Civil Application to Work How You Work - Mike Wilson, Bentley
E11 - Intersection Design with Roadway Designer - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E12 - Gore Design with Roadway Designer - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E13 - Roadway Designer - Keep It Simple But Thorough  - Kevin Jackson, Bentley
E16 - Roadway Designer - The Really Cool Stuff - Kevin Jackson, Bentley
X11 - New Tools-Creating Roundabout Libraries - Ian Rosam, Bentley
X13 - Customizing Your Civil Application - Rob Nice, Bentley
X15 - Intersection Design with Roadway Designer - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley