Årsmøde 2016 og Nordic Civil er vel overtået. På denne side vil vi opsamle præsentationerne, så du kan gå tilbage og finde hints, eller information du gik glip af, eller vil gense.
På Gensyn i 2017
A1 - Geospatial Keynote - Interoperability
A2 - Bentley Map SS4 capabilities CityGML and 3D
A3 - Ajourføring af 3D database med Bentley Map
A4 - Application Owned Properties og User Defined Symbology?
B1 - AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition Keynote
B2 - ”As-built” or not to ”As-built”
B3 - What's AECOsim Building Designer?
B4 - Fill Your Project with Life
B6 - Implementering af BIM livscyklus i Banedanmark (klik på linket: "Banedanmark – The New Line Copenhagen-Ringsted")
B7 - Moving from Traditional CAD to BIM
B8 - Use Reality Models in Your Project
C1 - ProjectWise Product Portofolio and Road Map
C2 - Application Association Best Practices
C3 - Digital workflows with Bluebeam Revu/ProjectWise
C4 - Cloud Hosting
D1 - MicroStation visualization - LumenRT
D2 - Introducing Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition
D3 - MicroStation Documentation Center
D4 - TAP - TrafikAfviklingsProgram
E2 – Erfaringer med anvendelse af SUE/SUDA på Sundmole Vest
E3 - Features i SUDA og PowerCivil? Hvorfor? Hvordan?
E4 - Fra 3D model til 2D tegninger
F2 - Understanding Design Intent and How it Impacts OpenRoads
F3 - OpenRail SELECTseries 4 Managing Geometry and Corridor Modeling
F4 - Using OpenRoads Navigator for Review and Inspection
P3 - Integrated Process, Piping and Equipment Modelling
P4 - Integrated Piping and Structural analysis
A5 - Spatiale data i Bentley Map samt demonstration af ny DHM
A6 - Bentley Map SS4 capabilities – Spatial Databases
A7 - Bentley Map Mobile in the field
A8 - Map Manager Applied
B5 - BIM – Status for anlægsbranchen
B6 - Implementering af BIM i livscyklus i Banedanmark
B7 - Move from traditional CAD to BIM
B8 - Use Reality Models in Your Project
C5 - Information Mobility with ProjectWise
C6 - ProjectWise for Newbies
C7 - ProjectWise for the Civil User
C8 - ProjectWise og Microsoft Office integration
D5 - What's new in MicroStation Connect Edition
D6 - Reality Modeling
D7 - Bentley Connect (Opsætning, administration og tilpasning)
D8 - MicroStation 'Tips & Tricks'
E5 - Anvendelse af Power Civil til rojektering af genbrugsplads
E6 - Erfaringer med workflow med OpenRoads i et motorvejsprojekt
E7 - How SS4 and Civil Cells benefit our projects
E8 - Putting the Pieces Together: Creating Composite Models in OpenRoads
E9 - Working Effectively with OpenRoads Modeling
E10 - An introduction to OpenRoads ConceptStation
F7 - Modeling Existing and Proposed Underground Utilities
F8 - Introduction to Subsurface Utility Engineering and StormCAD for OpenRoads
F9 - Adding Street Furniture toan OpenRoads Model
P5 - Project Review - on desktop and on mobile
P6 - Reality Modelling for Plant esign
P7 - Generating and Managing sometric Drawings
P8 - Day-in-Review Plant
W5 - BIM Workshop: Explore the possibilities with the AECOsim Building Designer on a simple project
F11 - Keynote revisited? / Keynote on a closeup
F12 - Preparing for the New Super Elevation Standards in the CONNECT Edition
F13 - Making Custom Line Styles Part of the Modeling Workflow
F14 - Modeling Tips and Tricks
Bemærk dokumentet XX - Civil workshops, hvis du vil vide mere om materialet til Civil workshops.