Årsmøde 2007 og Nordic Civil


Dag 1, 12. november
A3 - Århus havnefront - v. Helle Rosengreen og Anette Boye Høgholm, Grontmij|Carl Bro
D1 - Bentley GeoSpatial Update - v. Peter Byrn, Bentley
D2 - Værktøjsmagasinet - v. Allan Wittorff, COWI
D3 - GIS SIG møde - v. Peter Byrn, Bentley
D4 - Practical examples of ProjectWise implementation in local government - v. Timo Tuukkanen , Bentley
E1 - Civil Keynote - v. Mike Wilson, Bentley
E2 - Visualization with Google Earth - v. Thomas Taylor, Bentley
E3 - TDV - RM2006 Bridge Engineering - v. Dorian Janic, Bentley
E4 - Bentley OnSite - v. Iain Miskimmin, Bentley
F1 - MicroStation Batch print og MicroStation PDF composer
F3 - Introduction to Roadway Designer - v. Denis Schaffer, Bentley
G3 - MicroStation V8 XM edition - nye værktøjer 1 - v. Tine Lai, Bentley
G4 - MicroStation V8 XM edition - nye værktøjer 2 - v. Tine Lai, Bentley
Dag 2, 13. november
A6 - MicroStation Tips og Tricks XM - v. Tine Lai, Bentley
A7 - Undgå slavearbejde - v. Lars Moth-Poulsen og Tine Lai, Bentley
C9 - Laserscanning - v. Jørgen Hansen, DONG Energy
D6 - FOT - ny grundkortstandard - v. Gunnar Jul Jensen og Søren Findsen, COWI
D7 - Afløbsregistrering med nyt DanDas format - v. Søren Holst, Orbicon
D8 - Mine bedste VBA og .net tips - v. Gunnar Jul Jensen, COWI, Claus Evers Christensen, Vejdirektoratet
D9 - Kort ud til folket, Google og kortforsyning - v. Jette V. Voigt, Vejdirektoratet og Nikolaj Kamstrup, Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen
E6 - Modeling utilities and Drainage structures - v. Berry Mathews, Bentley
E8 - Tunnel Design with InRoads - v. Thomas Taylor, Bentley
E9 - Highwayprojekt på Jamaica - 3D Modellering - v. Johannes Stevnbak Andersen, Grontmij|Carl Bro
E10 - The Power of template constraints - v. Denis Schaffer, Bentley
E11 - Detailed retaining wall modeling - v. Thomas Taylor, Bentley
F6 - Advanced_Superelevation techniques - v. Denis Schaffer, Bentley
F8 - Exploring Template Points and Constraints - v. Rob Nice, Bentley
F10 - Storm Drainage Layout - v. Berry Mathews, Bentley
G8 - Task og Templates - v. Tine Lai, Bentley
G9 - MicroStation Workspace - hvorfor gøre det kompliceret? - v. Lars Moth-Poulsen, Bentley  
Dag 3, 14. november
E12 - End Condition Exceptions - v. Denis Schaffer, Bentley
E13 - What’s new in InRoads! - v. Mike Wilson, Bentley
E14 - Machine control - Anvendelse af 3D design i udførelsesfasen - v. Michael Jepsen, Grontmij|Carl Bro
E15 - Extracting design quantities using InRoads - v. Thomas Taylor, Bentley
E16 - InRoads Report fundamentals and customization - v. Rob Nice, Bentley
E17 - Displaying InRoads Features in Plan, Profile and Cross Sections - v. Rob Nice, Bentley
F12 - Earthword Volume Computations - v. Rob Nice, Bentley
F14 - Introduction to Surface Editing - v. Mats Dalbarg, Bentley
F16 - Beyond the Roadway Designer Finishing the Model - v. Thomas Taylor, Bentley