Dag 1, 9. november
KEYNOTE: Discover the new value in MicroStation V8i SelectSeries 1 - Chris Bober, Product Manager, Bentley
A1 - Creating project winning visualization with Iterative Luxology rendering - Jerry Flynn, Bentley - Link til Live Seminar
A2 - MicroStation tips & tricks V8 XM og V8i - Tine Lai, Bentley
A3 - Plotting Update - John Simmons, Bentley
A4 - Plotning og MicroStation V8i - Frank Møller Christensen, Rambøll og John Simmons, Bentley
B1 - BIM update - Mattias Hemmingsson, Bentley
B2 - bips, IKT og standarder - Michal Ørsted, Københavns Lufthavne & Thomas Jundsgaard, Rambøll
B3 - Anlægsstandarder og status for samarbejdet med bips - Michal Ørsted, Københavns Lufthavne, Marianne Rask, Roskilde Kommune og Gita Monshizadeh, Grontmij | Carl Bro
C1 - Bentley Plant - Directions - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
C2 - Plant og ERP integration – Eksempler - Lars Bjørn Christensen, NNE Pharmaplan og Bosse Ottosson, Bentley
C3 - Open Plant - Hayley Brown, Bentley
C4 - ProjectWise Navigator for Plant V8i - Hayley Brown, Bentley
D1 - Geospatial update - Keith Raymond, Bentley
D4 - Bentley and Open Geospatial Standards OGC - Keith Raymond, Bentley
E1 - Bentley Civil Update and Direction - Mike Wilson, Bentley
E2 - What’s the latest with InRoads Storm & Sanitary V8i - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E3 - What’s New in InRoads V8i Geometry? - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E4 - Site Modeler – New grading tools in InRoads - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
F2 - What’s the latest with Bentley Rail Track V8i - Rob Nice, Bentley
F3 - Reconstruction of Malmö Central Station - Project form and Design
F4 - InRoads i luften - Martin Moth-Lund, Cowi - Roland Ekeberg, Vectura
W1 - Referencer i MicroStation V8i - Tine Lai, Bentley
W3 - Raster Manager – nyheder og funktionalitet - Niels Jensen, IGU Consult
W4 - Microstation 3D workshop for begyndere - Tine Lai, Bentley
X1 - Introduktion til InRoads Roadway Designer V8i - Mats Dahlberg, Bentley
X3 - Using InRoads Storm & Sanitary V8i - Rob Nice, Bentley
Dag 2, 10. november
KEYNOTE - København Metro Cityring - Anne Grethe Foss, Administrerende direktør, Metroselskabet
A5 - Increasing productivity with Interactive Dynamic Drawing Composition workflows in MicroStation V8i - John Frampton, Bentley
A6 - Fra rod til layout - Tanja Brusen og Bo Bekker, Vättenfall
A8 - Rapid-Prototyping workflows with Intuitive Design Modeling in MicroStation V8i - Chris Bober, Bentley
B6 - Crowd & Pedestrian Simulation - Nørreport Station - Jørgen Benno Hansen, Grontmij | Carl Bro og Chris Angus, Legion - UK
B7 - Luxology Visualisation - Jerry Fynn, Bentley
B8 - Referencer i MS V8i - Tine Lai, Bentley
C5 - ConstructSim - Tim O’ Leary, Bentley
C6 - ProjectWise Web-Parts og Sharepoint - Arne Mortensen, Bentley, Christian Jakobsen, COWI
C7 - Transforming Concepts To Reality with Bentley PlantWise - Arvind Patel, Bentley
C8 - ProjectWise på brugerniveau - Michael Ørsted, Københavns Lufthavne
D5 - Design workflow with Bentley Water software - Slavco Velickov, Bentley
D6 - Culvert, Channel and Pond design - Slavco Velickov, Bentley
D7 - Bentley Geo Web Publisher, WMS og WFS - Rune Tvilum, Tvilum Landinspektørfirma
E5 - Visualization for Civil. Instant Visualization - Roadway Designer to 3D Models - Jerry Flynn, Bentley
E6 - Working with Roadway Designer Point Controls and Aliasing - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E7 - Entreprenørens brug af 3D maskinstyring - Peter Bolvig, M.J. Eriksson
E8 - Forbindelsesvej nord for Viby - Julie Espensen, civilingeniørstuderende, DTU
E9 - InRoads V8i Roundabout Tool - Michael Jepsen, Grontmij | Carl Bro
E10 - Drawing Preparation and Production Tools for InRoads V8i - Rob Nice, Bentley
F5 - Utilizing Roadway Designer for Railways, Tips & Tricks - Rob Nice, Bentley
F6 - København Metro Cityring. Sporgeometri, geologi og tunnel design - Klaus Hoffmann-Petersen, Cowi
F7 - BrIM Update - Workflow for designing Structures - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
F8 - Modeling Tunnels with InRoads Roadway Designer - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
F9 - DTM Analysis and Site Visibility Tools for InRoads V8i - Mats Dalhberg, Bentley
W5 - MicroStation V8i Print - Arne Mortensen, Bentley
W6 - Model- og tegningskomposition - Lars Moth Poulsen, Bentley
W7 - Brug af danske koordinatsystemer i Microstation V8i - Anders Wandall, Lifa og Tine
Lai, Bentley, Link til Seedfiler
W8 - Project Explorer - Lars Moth-Poulsen, Bentley
X5 - Introduktion til Template Creation i InRoads V8i - Mats Dalhberg, Bentley
X7 - Working with Rail Geometry Bentley Rail Track V8i - Rob Nice, Bentley
X9 - Roadway Designer: Using Point Controls, Aliasing, and Superelevation - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
Dag 3, 11. november
E11 - Reporting. Importing and Exporting data into Bentley Civil Products - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
E12 - Resurfacing and Overlay made easy with new Overlay Tools in Roadway Designer - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley
E13 - Earthworks and Harvesting Quantities with InRoads V8i - Rob Nice, Bentley
E14 - Using Civil AccuDraw - Mats Dalhberg, Bentley
E15 - Opbygning af Multi-templates - Trin for trin - Sadri Zaabi, Grontmij | Carl Bro
E16 - Keeping it simple with Roadway Designer -Tips & Tricks - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
X11 - DTM Analysis and Site Visibility Tools for InRoads V8i - Mats Dalhberg, Bentley
X13 - Advanced Geometric Design for InRoads V8i - Edmundo Herrera, Bentley
X15 - What’s New? Overlay Tools InRoads V8i - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley