Årsmøde 2008 og Nordic Civil


Dag 1, 10. november
Hvor står vi og hvor bevæger vi os hen? - Steen Læssøe, Bentley
A3 - Advances in Engineering Content Publishing for Producing Accurate, Intelligent Deliverables - John Simmons, Bentley
C1 - Bentley Plant Update and Directions - Carsten Gerke, Bentley
C2 - Promis*e - Rick Black, Bentley
D1 - GIS Update and Directions - Peter Byrn, Bentley
D2 - Data migrering til Bentley MAP - Kimmo Soukki, Bentley
D3 - Tegningsopsætning ved GMCB - Morten Pathuel Jørgensen, Grontmij l Carl Bro
D4 - LER Det fælles ledningsejer register - Henrik Saudicani, EBST og Peter Ritzau Eigaard, COWI
E1 - Bentley Civil Keynote - Update and Directions - Mike Wilson, Bentley US
E2 - New Technologies to assist our users in todays 3D world - Stefan Sigvardsson, Bentley Sverige
E3 - The Road to InRoads Athens - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley US
F4 - BrIM. Bentley Rebar Update - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
W1 - Genveje og funktionstaster - Tine Lai, Bentley
W2 - Templates og Toolboxes - Tine Lai, Bentley
W3 - Import of Mapinfo and ArcGIS files in MicroStation - Gijsbert Noordam, Bentley
W4 - MicroStation V8i Hands-on - Tine Lai, Bentley
X1 - (Beginner Level) Introduction to InRoads Roadway Designer - Mats Dahlberg, Bentley Sverige
X3 - (Advanced Level) Beyond the Roadway Designer - Finishing the Model - Patrick Evans, Bentley USA
Dag 2, 11. november
A6 - The future of Bentley Plotting - John Simmons, Bentley
A7 - Hvor langt er vi nået med 3D PDF filer - Frank Møller Christensen, Rambøll
B6 - Nye CAD lagstandarder for jernbaner, tunneler og havne - Gita Monshizadeh, Grontmij
l Carl Bro og Marianne Rask, Roskilde kommune
C5 - ProConcrete for AutoCAD og MicroStation - Gernot Jeromin, Bentley
C6 - ProSteel for AutoCAD og MicroStation - Gernot Jeromin, Bentley
C7 - ProjectWise Navigator for Plant - Ari Rantasalo, Bentley
D5 - Fra MicroStation til Google Earth Samarbejdspartnere - Gijsbert Noordam, Bentley
D6 - Derfor skal der anvendes Bentley MAP - Gijsbert Noordam, Bentley
D7 - MicroStation, WMS/WFS-tjenester og etinglysning - Tomas Møller Christensen og Uffe Sørensen, LIFA
D8 - Man tror det er løgn! Skift fra Acad til MicroStation - Marie Hjerrild Lorenzen, Vejdirektoratet
E5 - InRoads Roadway Designer & Machine Control - What You Need to Know - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley US
E7 - Machine Control II. Production study. Måling af produktivitetsforbedringen ved at bruge maskinstyring - Rogier Tonies, Caterpillar
E8 - Quantity Manager - Mike Wilson, Bentley US
E9 - Roundabouts - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
E10 - Roadway Designer - Best Practices - Patrick Evans, Bentley US
F5 - Multidiciplinary use of InRoads and Storm & Sanitary in the biggest infrastructure project in Sweden, Norra länken - Theresa Sandgren, Rambøll Sverige
F6 - InRoads Storm & Sanitary Updates - Patrick Evans, Bentely US
F7 - Bentley Rail Track Update - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
F8 - OHLD-verktyg Kontaktledningsprojektering – ett samarbete med Bentley - Anders grundhe, Banverket Projektering
X5 - (Intermediate Level) Bentley Rail Track Tips - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
X7 - (Intermediate Level) Cross Sections with Drainage Structures - Patrick Evans, Bentley US
X9 - (Advanced Level) Widening & Overlay with Roadway Designer - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley US
Dag 3, 12. november
E11 - What’s New in InRoads Geometry - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
E12 - Bentley Map in a Civil Workflow - Beter Byrn og Gijsbert Noordam, Bentley
E13 - Create Templates - Best Practices - Rob Nice, Bentley UK
E14 - Improving your InRoads DTM - Mats Dahlberg, Bentley Sverige
E15 - The Power of Constraints in Template Creation - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley US
E16 - Target Aliasing / Clipping / Corridor Point Control - When and Where - Patrick Evans, Bentley US
X11: (Intermediate Level) Introduction to Component Display Rules - Joe Waxmonsky, Bentley US
X13 - (Advanced Level) Interchange Design - Patrick Evans, Bentley US
X15 - (Beginner Level) Introduction to Roundabouts - Rob Nice, Bentley UK